心をつなぐ英語 ⑬ キャリア転換に関する書き方

Introduction (the full text in Japanese continues below (日本語の本文が続きます)):


“Compassionate Phrases in English (#13): How to Discuss a Change in Career”

Here’s the latest for my column in “Sakura Shimbun,” a Japanese community paper in DC and Houston. Since the start of the new administration, more and more people throughout the United States have been laid off or are at risk. Many federal government employees have been let go, nonprofit organizations are facing financial difficulties due to the freeze on government funding, and DEI positions are being cut in both the public and private sectors. This isn’t just about jobs; entire careers–into which many have doubtless poured so much of their time, energy, and passion–are in jeopardy. Some people may feel that they have no choice but to seek a new direction, at least temporarily. In this issue, I examine how, even under such challenging circumstances, one can write about career change in a positive way in their cover letters and other documents.

The article is also online here.





Post script:

I wondered quite a bit whether it was ok for me to discuss this topic. Although many of my friends and acquaintances have been laid off or are worried about the risk of that happening, its impact hasn’t yet hit my industry in a significant way. Since I haven’t gone through what they have, I was unsure whether I had the right to discuss it. And I can only imagine how painful and frustrating it must be to consider leaving a field that may have been a lifelong dream. Even if switching careers could be a temporary measure until the administration changes again, it’s hard to say how long this turbulence would last. Having an outsider suggest a career change likely only sounds thoughtless and insensitive.

On the other hand, I wanted to do anything I could to help–even if all I can do is show support. And because I know so many people who are impacted, I felt compelled to discuss it, at least to convey to people in Japan and elsewhere what’s happening in DC. And putting aside all the ongoing chaos, many of us will likely consider a career change someday in any case. Even in the darkest of times, I believe there are steps we can take to ensure a brighter future.



仕方なく応募する人より、自分の意志でチャンスを探しに来た人の方が雇う側には魅力的に映ります。最初に出すカバーレターでは、While I have worked with government agencies for most of my career, I am now interested in broadening my experience through opportunities in the private sector. といった書き方が賢明でしょう。その後書類審査を通り、「所属機関が閉鎖されそうだから転職するのか」などと面接で聞かれて初めて、The changing landscape is certainly a factor, but I was hoping to diversify my career in any case. と答えた方がよさそうです。

政府は官僚主義的なイメージが強いため、民間企業のスピードを経験したいというのもよい応募理由かもしれません。While I’m proud of the crisis communications skills I honed after fielding hundreds of daily calls during the LA Wildfires, I’d now like to challenge myself by working in the media relations team of a fast-growing brand like yours. といった書き方ができます。

今や連邦機関より安定していそうな州政府や自治体に移る方もいるかもしれません。Building upon my experience in the federal government, I’m now keen to return to my hometown and give back by working with the city council. などと書けば、故郷に貢献したい強い意志が感じられるでしょう。

最も大きな方向転換をせざるを得ないのがDEIや国際援助に携わってきた方々かもしれませんが、その場合も、スキル、知識、ネットワークなどをアピールできます。After supporting minority business owners by using Spanish daily, I am confident that my language skills would prove useful to a multinational company like yours. や、I have strong relations with the CSR offices of several Fortune 500 companies. While my contact with them was through the gender rights conference I managed, I would be able to write to them for any kind of sponsorship. といった表現ができます。


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