
Shiori Okazaki is the President of Shiori Communications, LLC (a company that provides interpretation, translation, communications, and writing services, with the aim to bring American and Japanese citizens closer together through language). She grew up in Honolulu and Tokyo, and is currently based in Washington, DC. She enjoys connecting her two home countries through words, and has worked in cross-cultural communications for more than 10 years, including at the Embassy of Japan in the U.S.A., the Embassy of Japan in the UK, and the U.S.-Japan Council. As a simultaneous and consecutive interpreter, she works for clients that include the U.S. Department of State. She holds a Master of International Affairs and an M.S. in Journalism from Columbia University, as well as a B.A. in English Literature from Dartmouth College.  

This blog is mostly about words, language, writing, and interpreting adventures. For more information on the origins of this blog, please see this post.


岡崎 詩織(おかざき・しおり):Shiori Communications, LLCの代表として、ワシントンDCを中心に、通訳、翻訳、広報、執筆活動を展開しています。ホノルルと東京で育ち、言葉の力を通じて自分の二つの祖国をつなげることに情熱を注いできました。広報で10年以上のキャリアを構築し、在米日本大使館、在英日本大使館、非営利団体の米日カウンシルで勤めました。通訳者としては、国務省を含む様々なクライアントのため、全米各地で同時・逐次通訳を行っています。ダートマス大学で学士号、コロンビア大学の国際公共政策大学院とジャーナリズム大学院で修士号を取得しました。
