CrossWorld Puzzles – Episode 7: “The Bottom Line is Respect”

The seventh episode of the podcast CrossWorld Puzzles is now out!

I was excited to welcome multimedia journalist David Caprara, who I met through the U.S.-Japan Council. His documentary work has ranged from covering Nepali honey hunters in Himalayan foothills, to reconstruction efforts after the 2011 Tohoku disaster, to uncovering the mysteries of a WWII B-29 crash on a Buddhist holy mountain. He lives in a kominka (traditional Japanese house) that he bought in the Yoshino region of Nara. We discuss how he jumped into international journalism by reporting recovery efforts after a major earthquake in Nepal; how he builds rapport with people around the world, especially during interviews; how he’s succeeded as a freelance journalist living abroad; and why he appreciates life in rural Japan.

The video podcast with David is below, but please also check out the website:

Many thanks to David for sharing his fascinating journey! His talent and passion for photography (which kickstarted his journalism career) are evident in the photos he kindly shared. His work with Japan started with the Japan Exchange and Teaching (JET) Program(me), and after spending some time in the U.S., he’s since returned to Nara, the prefecture JET originally assigned him to. His deep knowledge of Japanese culture, history, and religion inspired me to travel and learn more about different regions throughout Japan.

The podcast can be followed on YouTube, Spotify, and (for audio only) Apple Podcasts.

ポッドキャスト「CrossWorld Puzzles」の最新エピソードです。今回は、奈良県吉野町を拠点に活躍するジャーナリストのデイビット・カパララさんのお話を伺いました。ネパール、韓国、ギリシャなど世界各地で取材を続け、戦時中奈良の大峰山に墜落したB-29の真相を追うドキュメンタリーなども制作してきたデイビットさん。背景の異なる人々と関係を構築するコツ、取材を通じて様々な文化や歴史を学ぶ楽しさ、今生活している地域や古民家の魅力など、多岐にわたるお話を伺うことができました。ぜひご覧ください!

CrossWorld Puzzles – Episode 6: “Hometowns Everywhere”

The sixth episode of the podcast CrossWorld Puzzles is now out!

I was thrilled to welcome my close friend Yuri Akahira, who’s worked in multiple locations around the world, and is now a Tokyo-based director at a global IT company. A strong advocate for women, she has a background in social work and leads the women’s employee resource group in her company. She’s even taken part in the Mrs. Universe Japan competition and placed first in the 40s category! We discuss how she became interested in different cultures, how she built her confidence after overcoming challenges like bullying, and how she befriends people from all different backgrounds.

The video podcast with Yuko is below, but more information, including photos and a full transcript, can be found here.

The podcast can be followed on YouTube, Spotify, and (for audio only) Apple Podcasts.

ポッドキャスト「CrossWorld Puzzles」の最新エピソードです。今回は、世界各地で働いてきた友人、赤平百合さんのお話を伺いました。IT企業で幹部を務める傍ら、ソーシャルワーカーとしての経験を生かし、同社の女性社員活躍推進グループの長も務めています。プライベートではミセス・ユニバース・ジャパンに出場し、40代のカテゴリーで一位に輝きました。一人旅が大好きで、どのような背景や国の人ともすぐに仲良くなれる人です。どのように外国に興味を持つようになったのか、いじめなどのつらい経験も克服し自信を取り戻したのか、いろいろな人と仲良くなるコツは何か、など楽しくお話を伺うことができました。ぜひご覧ください!

CrossWorld Puzzles – Episode 5: “Finding Joy in the Struggle”

The fifth episode of the podcast “CrossWorld Puzzles” is now out! I was so happy to welcome strategy and operations consultant Yuko Watanabe, who’s also a good friend via the U.S.-Japan Council.

Yuko, who’s based in Seattle, has worked all over the world supporting everything from big companies to nonprofits. There are so many things I admire about her, including her strength, resilience, and ability to find humor even in challenging circumstances. I also love how she’s built various communities that allow participants to connect in unique ways, including “Tapestory” (大人の等身大作文集 Tapestory + All our tomorrows). We discuss how she first came to the United States, what led her to create those communities, and how it’s best to stop planning and instead find joy in whatever comes our way.

The video podcast with Yuko is below, but more information, including photos and a full transcript, can be found here.

The podcast can be followed on YouTube, Spotify, and (for audio only) Apple Podcasts.

ポッドキャスト「CrossWorld Puzzles」の最新のエピソードです。今回は、シアトルを拠点とするコンサルタントの渡辺佑子さんのお話を伺いました。大学から米国に留学され、数々の大手企業や財団などで働いてきて、今はフリーランスで活躍される佑子さん。その傍ら、オンラインのコミュニティも構築し、多くの人たちが自分らしく活動できる場をつくっていらっしゃいます。どのように米国に渡ることになったのか、将来に関してくよくよ悩むのはやめてどのように人生を捉えていらっしゃるのか、佑子さんならではのユーモアも交えて、楽しくお話を伺うことができました。ぜひご覧ください!

CrossWorld Puzzles – Episode 4: “Culture as a Foothold”

The fourth episode of “CrossWorld Puzzles” is now out!

I was honored to welcome Korean interpreter and community builder Robert Holloway. Robert did not grow up speaking Korean, but studied it because of his interest in his family’s history: his mother was adopted from South Korea. Not only has he become fluent enough to serve as a conference interpreter, he also supports other Korean adoptees by building a community and teaching them the Korean language. We discuss his family history and the challenges many Korean adoptees face, as well as how identity is deeply intertwined with our own culture.

The video podcast with Robert is below, but more information, including photos and a full transcript, can be found here.

The podcast can be followed on YouTube, Spotify, and (for audio only) Apple Podcasts.

ポッドキャスト「CrossWorld Puzzles」の最新のエピソードです。今回は、韓国語通訳者のロバート・ホロウェイさんのお話を伺いました。お母様が韓国から米国に養子として引き取られたロバートさんは、英語で育ってあとから韓国語を勉強し、会議通訳者になるほど流暢になりました。また、韓国から他国の家族の養子となった方々のコミュニティを構築し、韓国語を教えてもいます。歴史と深く絡んだロバートさんのご家族の過去、文化とアイデンティティの深い関係性など、とても興味深いお話ですので、ぜひご覧ください!

CrossWorld Puzzles – Episode 3: “A Privilege and a Power”

The third episode of my podcast, CrossWorld Puzzles, is now out!

I was incredibly honored to welcome social entrepreneur Mari Kuraishi, who I met through the U.S.-Japan Council. Mari grew up in Japan, Italy, and West Germany. She is now based in the U.S. as the President of the Jessie Ball duPont Fund, and is also the Co-Founder (and former President) of GlobalGiving. We discuss her upbringing, what led to her work in international development and social entrepreneurship, as well as how she found her own style of leadership. I love her calm, soothing voice, and was so inspired by her approach on how she views relationships–both with those around her and the places she’s lived.

The video podcast with Mari is below, but more information, including photos and a full transcript, can be found here.

The podcast can be followed on YouTube, Spotify, and (for audio only) Apple Podcasts.

ポッドキャスト「CrossWorld Puzzles」の最新のエピソードです。今回は、日本、イタリア、西ドイツで育った倉石真理さんをインタビューしています。クラウドファンディング・サイトの「GlobalGiving」の共同設立者で、今はフロリダで慈善団体「Jessie Ball duPont Fund」の会長を務めていらっしゃいます。米日カウンシルで出会った真理さんのお話を直接聞けて大変光栄でしたし、その起業家精神、静かなリーダーシップ、引っ越しが多くふるさとがないことを寂しく感じた時にどういう考え方をすればよいのか、などに関するお話に大変感銘を受けました。

CrossWorld Puzzles – Episode 2: “Embracing Our Own Differences”

The second episode of my podcast, CrossWorld Puzzles, is now out!

Many thanks to my friend Grace Kim, who grew up in the U.S., Japan, and Korea. Using her multilingual skills, she now runs an event planning company in the DC area. She also has many artistic side projects. What I love about Grace is that she’s always so thoughtful and kind (and super organized, which is why the Japan-related community loves to work with her!), but also open about aspects she wants to continue working on. She is so brave to say yes to this project, especially when I barely had any episodes to show–and I’m so grateful.

The video podcast with Grace is below, but more information, including photos and a full transcript, can be found here.

The podcast can be followed on YouTube, Spotify, and (for audio only) Apple Podcasts.

ポッドキャスト「CrossWorld Puzzles」で新しいエピソードをリリースしました。今回は、米国、日本、韓国で育ったグレースさんをインタビューしています。ワシントンDC近郊でイベント企画を行う会社を経営するとともに、折り紙のイヤリングを作ったりと多才です。三か国語駆使し、どの文化にも精通して思慮深い、大好きな友人です。

CrossWorld Puzzles – Episode 1: “Always Adaptable”

I’m happy to announce that I’ve started a podcast! It’s called CrossWorld Puzzles, and explores how individuals who grew up in or are currently in multicultural environments tackle life’s big questions: e.g. where to be based, what kind of career to build, who to spend the rest of their lives with, etc.

Some friends know that I’ve been ruminating about this for more than a year, especially as I’ve struggled with these questions in my own life. This is a selfish endeavor where I’m seeking answers for myself, but I also hope to showcase my amazing friends and mentors–and perhaps inspire others along the way!

Many thanks to my friend Sayuri Romei, who bravely and kindly agreed to being interviewed for the very first episode! She grew up in Italy speaking Italian, French, and Japanese–but is now based in the U.S. She also happens to be an expert on nuclear deterrence, as well as a published illustrator! She’s so busy (she changed jobs the very week we were talking!), and I cannot thank her enough for taking the time to share her great outlook on life.

The video podcast with Sayuri is below, but more information, including photos and a full transcript, can be found here.

For now, the plan is to post once a month. I’ll post notices about new episodes on this blog, but full details will always remain on the CrossWorld Puzzles website.

The podcast can be followed on YouTube, Spotify, and (for audio only) Apple Podcasts.