The seventh episode of the podcast CrossWorld Puzzles is now out!
I was excited to welcome multimedia journalist David Caprara, who I met through the U.S.-Japan Council. His documentary work has ranged from covering Nepali honey hunters in Himalayan foothills, to reconstruction efforts after the 2011 Tohoku disaster, to uncovering the mysteries of a WWII B-29 crash on a Buddhist holy mountain. He lives in a kominka (traditional Japanese house) that he bought in the Yoshino region of Nara. We discuss how he jumped into international journalism by reporting recovery efforts after a major earthquake in Nepal; how he builds rapport with people around the world, especially during interviews; how he’s succeeded as a freelance journalist living abroad; and why he appreciates life in rural Japan.
The video podcast with David is below, but please also check out the website:
Many thanks to David for sharing his fascinating journey! His talent and passion for photography (which kickstarted his journalism career) are evident in the photos he kindly shared. His work with Japan started with the Japan Exchange and Teaching (JET) Program(me), and after spending some time in the U.S., he’s since returned to Nara, the prefecture JET originally assigned him to. His deep knowledge of Japanese culture, history, and religion inspired me to travel and learn more about different regions throughout Japan.
The podcast can be followed on YouTube, Spotify, and (for audio only) Apple Podcasts.
ポッドキャスト「CrossWorld Puzzles」の最新エピソードです。今回は、奈良県吉野町を拠点に活躍するジャーナリストのデイビット・カパララさんのお話を伺いました。ネパール、韓国、ギリシャなど世界各地で取材を続け、戦時中奈良の大峰山に墜落したB-29の真相を追うドキュメンタリーなども制作してきたデイビットさん。背景の異なる人々と関係を構築するコツ、取材を通じて様々な文化や歴史を学ぶ楽しさ、今生活している地域や古民家の魅力など、多岐にわたるお話を伺うことができました。ぜひご覧ください!