Talking about challenges when everyone is struggling

–All jobs canceled due to the coronavirus

Summary in Japanese (the full text in English continues below):



A fortune cookie that I took home from a restaurant back in February–and which I happened to open days ago! What an appropriate fortune in the quarantine era.

The challenges I’m facing (the current lull in jobs and financial difficulties) have been difficult to talk about. It’s been hard to admit my struggles when I just recently chose the path of freelancing. And so many people are facing much greater obstacles. Still, opening up about my situation has been rewarding.

Freelancing by Choice

My career has basically come to a standstill. When I voluntarily left my previous job three months ago, this was not at all what I had in mind. 

I’d been working towards independence for a long time. As much as I enjoyed my full-time job at a nonprofit that helps strengthen U.S.-Japan relations, I’d always wanted to try freelance interpreting. With the generous support of bosses and colleagues, for about four years, I used my vacation days to interpret. I tried to build savings and a portfolio–and courage. There never was a point where I could confidently say “now is the time,” and I kept extending my own timeline and financial goals. But eventually, the lack of rest started to take a physical toll, and I reached a mental tipping point. So I finally took the plunge at the end of last year and became a full-time freelancer. 

Things were great in the beginning. Thanks to the kindness of interpreting mentors and colleagues, clients I’d previously worked with, and fellow freelancers who guided me through this new lifestyle, it looked as if I could make ends meet. In early January, it didn’t even occur to me that the faraway coronavirus would affect my work.

Taking the plunge (a roller coaster at Busch Gardens in August 2019)

A Cascade of Cancellations

The first sign came in late January. An interpreting assignment I was supposed to do in mid-February was canceled–it was a multilateral meeting that included China. But as the virus took hold, first in Japan and then in the United States, cancellations continued. Two in March. Three in April. One in May. And on and on. Included in this was a high-level meeting that would’ve been the biggest interpreting assignment I’d ever had–a great opportunity that I was devastated to lose. A few assignments, thankfully, were postponed rather than cancelled, but it’s hard to count on them when things are so uncertain.

Soon, I had nothing. My calendar was suddenly empty. I felt incredibly lucky that I could continue to do some translation work for the nonprofit I used to belong to. But this was a hard lesson on the instability of freelance work. 

I turned to other things, like the monthly column I’ve been writing for Sakura Shimbun, a Japanese community paper here in DC. Then, days after I submitted my column for March, I learned that the newspaper had to suspend publication. Due to dwindling ads, a lot of local newspapers around the country have suffered–and Sakura was no exception. 

Everything in interpretation came to a halt.

Mental Well-being

There’s been a lot of talk about how to take care of our physical health. In recent weeks, there’s been a lot of articles on how to take care of our mental well-being, too. 

In my last column for Sakura Shimbun before it was suspended, I wrote about how reaching out to and helping others might in turn help us feel better during this challenging time. It was partially a reminder to myself, as well as a message of gratitude to friends who reached out to me. 

In one of the paragraphs, I wrote: “People who live alone and can no longer see friends and colleagues, as well as those who have lost jobs, may be having a difficult time. If they seem to hesitate to share their feelings over emails or text messages, you could propose to have a phone date with them.”

That part was about me. Because honestly, it hasn’t been easy to be truthful. In written exchanges, I tended to edit out the negatives and tried to sound positive. I was embarrassed about my terrible timing of going independent. How shameless could I be to turn to former colleagues, who kindly supported me in my decision to leave only months ago, and ask for work? After announcing so proudly (as nervous and fearful as I was inside) that I’m going to try this new lifestyle and getting the blessing of so many people, I couldn’t complain. It was my choice to become a freelancer. 

And so many others are going through much bigger challenges–like those in medicine and health, as well as those who lost full-time jobs. I am also very lucky because I am only responsible for my own livelihood. I have so much respect for those who are supporting family members through this difficult time. And my heart aches to think about the bosses who must tell their employees that their business has to be suspended. 

Enjoying a walk with me, myself, and I (a bench 10 minutes from my place)

Living Alone

But one thing I can say is that living alone is tough. I’ve always felt lonely because my family is in Japan. When the coronavirus caused the borders to close between my two home countries, I cried a little. Both the symbolic implications of it–however temporary it was–and the inability to travel was heartbreaking. I’ve always had the choice to visit if I wanted to–and now more than ever, I am sad to be apart from my parents and my boyfriend, who are halfway around the world. 

I tell my parents I’m worried about them. But in reality, I’m the one who wants to run and hug them, with the childish desire to feel protected. While borders were still open, they offered that I could stay with them in Tokyo for the time being–but in the few days that I hesitated for various reasons, including the concern that I might bring the virus to them, I lost the opportunity.

Nights are lonelier. When the spring sun sets, birds stop chirping, and darkness takes hold, I start to worry. It’s not just the fear of getting very sick and possibly having to go to the hospital on my own. The reality is that I won’t have interpreting work for months, especially as a relative newcomer in the field. And even when the social distancing measures are over, I may have less work because clients are also having financial difficulties. Gig workers are only now being considered for unemployment benefits, which I may not be eligible for because I just started. The stimulus check is based on my income last year, when I had a higher salary. Thinking about these things keeps me up at night, even though I know that I need sleep for my health.

I’m looking for new opportunities in the meantime. And I know now’s the time to write, which is one of the reasons I chose to become a freelancer. But it’s been hard to be creative when reality is more dystopian than fiction. Articles like these, which help relieve the pressure that we need to make the best use of our time now, have helped. And I realized that, before I could work on any happy stories, I first needed to get my thoughts on the virus out–as in this post. 

In the dark, even a pretty redbud tree looks like barbed wire… (this is also around my neighborhood)

Collaboration Rather Than Division

Until now, public health to me was mostly a concept–I reaped the benefits of mandatory vaccines and diseases that were put out before my time, but it was never something I considered in my everyday life. But now, not only every government decision, but everything that comes out of leaders’ mouths affect us physically and emotionally. My greatest passion in life has always been to connect my two home countries, and seeing all countries effectively shut their borders makes me very sad. Even some states are implementing quarantines to those from other states–and while it can’t be helped because the infections need to be controlled, this fear of any outsider is a worrisome mentality. The animosity between certain American and Chinese leaders has been concerning, too. This common problem that the entire world is facing should unite us and serve as a time for collaboration, not blaming.

Recently, the rhetoric on masks has been changing in the U.S., and many more are wearing them. While I’ve never been a fan of masks, I am relieved that people are more accepting of it. I hadn’t worn them in the U.S. until now because I was afraid of sticking out. Seeing reports of what’s happening to many Asian Americans, I didn’t want to be a target of slurs or physical violence. Yes, the way the Chinese government initially sought to hide this disease is terrible, and we’ve seen how numbers are underreported even now. But the people of China–and people of Asian descent throughout the world–are as much victims as everyone else. If anything, the situation is worse for those who have to be afraid because of what they look like. I suspect people who discriminate know that deep down, and that the way they act is more a manifestation of their own anger and insecurity regarding job losses, financial instability, physical and mental health–and above all, an intense panic in losing control over their own lives. I hope they realize that this fear is something that grips us all right now, regardless of where or who we are.   

The Level 4 travel advisory against all international travel

Gaining Support

It took me a while to accept that maybe it was ok to ask others for emotional support. I had always been honest about all this with my parents and boyfriend, who check in with me regularly as they see the numbers rapidly climb in the U.S., and have selflessly sent care packages when they found items that are also scarce in Japan. But I also decided to open up to friends who had reached out to me, and write to others that I hadn’t seen in a while.

Everyone responded so kindly. I’ve had calls with my middle school friends in Idaho and LA, as well as friends and former colleagues in DC. I talked about my situation at my now-virtual Meetup group, as well as with friends from grad school who now live in Tokyo, New York, and Vancouver. Each person has their own difficulties, such as parenting while working from home. I am grateful that, while this challenge has stopped us from seeing friends and family in person, it allows us to build stronger bonds with those who live faraway. It takes courage to be vulnerable, but it’s always worth it. 

I’m writing this today in hopes that it might pay forward the support I received, and cheer up others who are also living alone. Or others who have a hard time opening up about challenges when everyone else is also going through a trying time. I know we’ll get through this, even if it’s not as quickly as we’d like.   

Much love and appreciation from the other side of the screen ♡

英語 de 敬語 ⑧ いたわりの言葉のかけ方

Introduction (the full text in Japanese continues below (日本語の本文が続きます)):

この投稿は、DCとヒューストンのコミュニティ・ペーパー、『さくら新聞』で書かせていただいている連載、「英語 de 敬語」の記事に関するものです。

新型コロナウイルスが蔓延し、精神的にも経済的にも辛い日々が続いています。今月の「英語 de 敬語」では、今のように不安な時期に他者をどのようにいたわるかについて取り上げました。なお、コロナウイルスの影響により、さくら新聞は来月から休刊となってしまいました。再開の時期も決まっていません。広告が減り、多くの地元紙やコミュニティ・ペーパーが苦しんでいます。ジャーナリストの方々は命を張って外で取材を続けており、地元の人々にとっては、感染の状況を知るために今こそ地元メディアが必要なのですから、非常に残念な状況です。たった10日前にこの記事を書いたときには、さくら新聞も休刊となることを知りませんでした。それくらい、状況は刻々と変わり、悪化していっています。一刻も早くこの状況が収束することを願っています。

“Polite Phrases in English (Episode 8): Words of Compassion”

This post is about my column in “Sakura Shimbun,” a Japanese community paper in DC and Houston.

These past few weeks have been mentally and financially difficult for all of us. This month’s column discusses how to reach out and comfort others during these uncertain times. Due to the virus, Sakura Shimbun has had to suspend publication–and it’s not clear when it might resume. Many local newspapers are suffering because companies are having to pull ads. This is very concerning, because journalists are risking their lives for us when they go out to cover these important topics–and in order to understand how the infection is spreading, we now need local coverage more than ever. When I wrote this column a mere 10 days ago, I did not know that Sakura Shimbun would be suspended–that’s how rapidly things are becoming worse. I sincerely hope this situation will improve as quickly as possible.


今最も大変なのは不眠不休で働く医療関係者の方々だと言えますが、他にも、配達や清掃など、リスクを負いつつ外で仕事を続けている方々が多くいます。 Thank you to you and your colleagues for all that you do. と一言メッセージを送ったり声をかけたりすることで、感謝の気持ちを伝えられます。

飲食業や観光業など、業界によっては、仕事の継続が難しくなってしまった方や、フリーランスや契約の仕事が滞っている方もいます。親しい友人がそういった状況に直面した場合、いろいろと話を聞いた後は、 I would love to help look for any opportunities. Could you let me know what kind of work you might be interested in? などと提案し、別の分野で一時的な職を一緒に探すこともできます。

体調が悪く自己隔離をしている隣人や外出に不安を抱える隣人に対しては、 Is there anything I can get for you, like food or medicine? I’m happy to leave it by your door. といったメッセージを送り、代わりに買い出しに行くこともできます。

友人や同僚と会えず孤独な思いをしている一人暮らしの方や、仕事が減って精神的に辛い方もいるかもしれません。皆大変だからと遠慮して自分から悩みを打ち明けない人もいるでしょうから、 I just wanted to check in with you to see how you’re doing. I am here for you if you need someone to talk to. などと時々友人にメッセージを送ると、受け取る側は少し気持ちが軽くなるかもしれません。文面だと本音が言いにくそうであれば、 Let’s have a phone date! とある程度の時間を取って電話での会話を持ちかけることもできます。


英語 de 敬語 ⑦ 好意の伝え方

DCとヒューストンのコミュニティ・ペーパー、『さくら新聞』で書かせていただいているコラム「英語 de 敬語」。 今月はバレンタインに言及しつつ、ビジネスの場における、人や物に対する好意の表明の仕方を取り上げました。

My column this month in “Sakura Shimbun,” a Japanese community paper in DC and Houston, touches upon Valentine’s Day and discusses how to express positive feelings for people and objects that you like.



まず、人事評価などで、上司、同僚や部下に対する評価を第三者から聞かれた場合。少し稚拙に聞こえる like よりも、 respect admire といった言葉を使った方がよいかもしれません。米国はセクハラやパワハラなどにとても敏感なため、誤解を招かないように、その人個人への感情よりも、 I admire the way she treats all employees fairly. や、 I appreciate how resourceful and efficient he is. といった形で、その人の長所やスキルに対する好意を示した方がよいでしょう。

また、学生や部下の推薦状を依頼される教授や上司は多いでしょうし、転職を考える部下が応募した会社から、「レファレンス」として電話やメールでその人の評価を聞かれる上司も多いでしょう。 I was always impressed with his thorough research and insightful essays. と主観で言う以外にも、 Her subordinates told me she was a reliable and trustworthy boss. と周りの評価も交えることもできます。一緒に仕事をしたことがある業者について、誰かに非公式に聞かれた場合も、 She is a copywriter who always captures perfectly what we want to say. などと褒めることができます。

仕事に応募した人や外部の人から、自分の職場についての考えを聞かれる場合もあるでしょう。これには I love how we make a difference in people’s lives. I’m proud of the innovative products we make. といった言い方ができます。自分の職務についての意見を聞かれれば、 I enjoy publicizing the accomplishments of our talented students and faculty. などと答えられます。

日々の業務の中でも、好みを他者に伝えることがあります。デザイナーなどの業者とのやり取りの中で、いくつかの選択肢から一つ選び、細かな点を変えていく場合には、 prefer という言葉が便利です。 We prefer the black one. などと特定できますし、 Our preference would be to use a brighter color palette. など、選択肢にない希望も伝えられます。好ましくない状況も、 We’d like to replace the purple with blue. Would you please enlarge our logo? など、代替案を交えれば分かりやすく、柔らかく聞こえます。


英語 de 敬語 ⑥ 目標の掲げ方

DCとヒューストンのコミュニティ・ペーパー、『さくら新聞』で書かせていただいているコラム「英語 de 敬語」。 今月は新年(そして2020年代!)の抱負に絡めて、目標の掲げ方を取り上げました。

My column this month in “Sakura Shimbun,” a Japanese community paper in DC and Houston, touches upon resolutions for the new year (and new decade!), and discusses how to establish goals and objectives. Once again, I’m so grateful for this opportunity!



抱負自体は個人的なもので、日記に留めておくだけの方もいるかもしれません。しかし、最近は新年の挨拶ととともにSNS等で宣言する方もいますし、会話で登場する場合もあるでしょう。 My New Year’s resolution is to exercise at least three times a week. や、 I resolve to spend more time with loved ones this year. などという言い方ができます。

ビジネスでは、目標を立てる場面が多くあります。まず、ウェブサイトなどで大きく外部に宣言する場合。実現に強い自信がある場合は、 We will eliminate plasticware in our city by 2021. など、未来形で決意を表明します。企業や団体の使命などでは、 We aim to strengthen U.S.-Japan relations. など、大局的な表現が使われます。使命を実現するための手段など、より具体的で短期的な意思表明には、 We intend to host three bilateral conferences per year. などと言うことができます。

日々の仕事における部内の目標では、数値も入れた objective を使うことが多く、 Our objective is to increase sales by 10% within the next year. などと言えます。(なお、より知名度の高い goal という言葉は、国連の SDGs(Sustainable Development Goals; 持続可能な開発目標)のように、長期的で幅広いものに使います。) Intend より具体的で口語的な plan は、 We plan to submit our draft video by next week. など、普段のやり取りの中で予定を伝える場合に使えます。

組織を立ち上げたばかりでまだ使命を書いていない場合や、実現したいことが数値で測りにくい場合にも、外部に大まかな方向性を示すことは可能です。 We are working to provide more educational opportunities to children. We strive to instill confidence in high school girls. といった表現は、どのような理想のもとに活動しているのかを伝えることができるでしょう。

実現の目途が立ちにくい内容に関しては、希望として伝えることもできます。大局的な話では、 We aspire to bring equality to all citizens. と言えますし、職場のやり取りでは、 While I am waiting for some additional data, I hope to send you the draft report very soon. などと言えます。


Unforgettable memories and lifelong friendships

–Reflecting upon six years at the U.S.-Japan Council

One of my proudest moments at USJC: moderating a discussion at the TOMODACHI Daiwa House Student Leadership Conference that featured Mrs. Nobuko Sasae, conference interpreter, champion for women leaders, and wife of then-Ambassador Kenichiro Sasae. (October 2016)

I’m very sad that I will be leaving the U.S.-Japan Council (USJC) at the end of the year (which is now today!). I’ve had a wonderful journey of more than six years. Since it was such a big part of my life, it still feels surreal that I will no longer be part of the staff. 

When I joined the Council in 2013, I was looking for a way to combine my passion for words with my lifelong desire to connect my two home countries. I got to achieve that goal–and gained so much more. I found close friends, learned about the many different ways of contributing to U.S-Japan relations, and gained confidence in ways that I could not have elsewhere. 

I was so excited that I happened to fly on one of the TOMODACHI planes sponsored by All Nippon Airways! And it was my flight back to DC right after supporting a TOMODACHI program in Tokyo, too. (March 2017)

Meaningful Relationships

As an introvert, I’ve always been more comfortable writing than interacting face-to-face. I struggled to open up in the past because I was unsure of who I was, caught between two identities. But at USJC, I got to meet and befriend many people who share that experience–and are also very warm, accepting of flaws, and sometimes quirky. Due to the core values we have in common, we often have an innate understanding of each other. At the same time, the differences in the way we approach similar issues (multicultural upbringing, ambiguous identities, code switching, etc.) are what makes these relationships so interesting.

Colleagues at USJC have really become a family. Never have I felt so comfortable around a group of people! I have so much respect for not only their talents, but also the dedication they put into each of their portfolios and U.S.-Japan relations as a whole. Late night conference calls, business trips with red-eye flights, or emailing all hours of the night are everyday occurrences. Battling alongside one another have made us very close, and I know I will continue to be inspired by them no matter where our future paths may take us. 

Our members and supporters are equally incredible, since they do so much by volunteering their time and resources. They give us advice (I learned so much from members of the Communications Committee, who are journalists, PR professionals, and marketing experts), host exchange students in their homes, provide financial contributions, organize events in their regions, and more. I’ve heard multiple members say that USJC is the organization that they spend the most time with outside of their full-time jobs. I respect them immensely, not only for their accomplishments, but also for their passion to make the world a better place. 

Some people in the USJC community, like president Irene Hirano Inouye, or board members Secretary Norman Mineta or Fred Katayama, are people I’d long admired even before becoming a staff member–and sometimes I’m still in awe that I got to work with them! USJC’s emphasis on people-to-people relations was a big draw when I joined the organization, but I didn’t know I would also benefit from it. Here, I gradually learned to be comfortable and happy with who I am. 

Sometimes my worlds collided in such a cool way! As a freelance interpreter, I accompanied a International Visitors Leadership Program (sponsored by the U.S. State Department) that was themed on clean energy–and TOMODACHI happened to sponsor their flights to and from Japan. Here we are in front of the Golden Gate Bridge. (April 2015)

Small Staff, Big Scale

The USJC staff of about 30 people accomplish a lot, thanks to not only their own hard work, but also support from dedicated members, talented contractors, and generous sponsors. USJC works on some very large-scale projects, from international conferences with hundreds of people, to delegations of state legislators, to scholarships stemming from a $10 million gift. This far exceeded my expectations I used to have for nonprofit organizations.

The best part was being able to meet TOMODACHI alumni, students, and delegates we’ve supported, and directly see the impact of what USJC does. This was often possible due to travel. I went on about 20 business trips, about half of them to Japan, and the rest to California and Hawaii, with some others to New York, Houston, and Portsmouth. 

On a daily basis, it was nice to be one half of a two-person Communications team in the U.S., since the broad portfolio (speechwriting, newsletters, publications, media relations, photos, website, presentations, etc.) kept things dynamic and very busy! I feel proud to have contributed to growing our presence in Japan, especially by creating a Japanese website and Japanese annual report, and making other publications bilingual. 

Presenting on TOMODACHI Communications for the “Building the TOMODACHI Generation: Morgan Stanley Ambassadors Program.” (February 2019)

Towards the Next Step

While editing biographies, highlighting member accomplishments, or hearing about the life decisions of stakeholders, I’ve gotten to know the many different ways in which we can contribute to U.S.-Japan relations. And that’s given me the courage to take the next step, and decide to focus more on writing and interpreting. Even though I am leaving staff, I will continue to support USJC as a DC-based contractor. I feel very lucky about that, combined with how flexible my colleagues and bosses have been while I often took time off for interpreting assignments.

Truthfully, I feel very scared to leave this comfortable place for the unknown. This simple post cannot do justice to all that I’ve learned during the past six years, and going through the photos has made me very sad! But I feel that this step is necessary for my career. I am glad–and honored–to remain a part of this wonderful community, be it through my contract work or through personal relationships. I feel that I was able to grow both personally and professionally at USJC, and really appreciate everyone I’ve met through this organization.

Last day in the office, with “thank you USJC” sugar cookies (their appearance leaves much to be desired, but the message is there!) (December 2019)

英語 de 敬語 ⑤招待への返事の仕方

DCとヒューストンのコミュニティ・ペーパー、『さくら新聞』で書かせていただいているコラム「英語 de 敬語」。 今月はホリデーパーティーなどの招待への返事の仕方を取り上げました。

My column this month in “Sakura Shimbun,” a Japanese community paper in DC and Houston, discusses how to respond to invitations to holiday parties and other events. Once again, I’m so grateful for this opportunity!



欠席する場合には、招待へのお礼とともに、 This sounds like a wonderful event, and I’m sorry to miss it because of work commitments. や、 I would love to attend, but I’m afraid I will be out of town visiting my parents. など、都合がつかない理由も含めて丁寧に断ると、次回も声をかけてもらえる可能性が高まるでしょう。

出席可能となると、今度はいろいろ確認すべきことが出てきます。他に予定があるものの部分的に出席したい場合には、 Would you mind if I arrive half an hour late, since I have a conference call that ends at 6pm? や、 May I leave around 8pm to prepare for my business trip the next day? など、理由や時間も含めて聞くとよいでしょう。

家族や恋人(「プラスワン」)を連れてきてよい場合は、 I would love to attend with my spouse, Tim Cratchit. など、自分との関係と名前を書くといいでしょう(家族で別姓の方も多いため、ネームカード等がある可能性のある公式なイベントでは、フルネームで書いた方がホストに親切です)。お子さんと参加したい方は、 May I bring my ten-year-old daughter? など、年齢も含めて確かめた方がよいでしょう。

ホームパーティーの場合は、ポットラックでなくとも、 Please let me know if there’s anything that I can bring. と聞くと丁寧です。多様な人たちが集まる米国は、健康や信念に基づく食事制限がある方も多く、アレルギーにもとても気を遣いますので、何か持参する前に、 Do you or your guests have any food allergies or dietary restrictions? と確認した方が安全でしょう。

少し難しいのは、集合時間です。座って食事をする場合は遅れると失礼にあたりますが、立食のビュッフェやポットラックであれば、時間通りに行くと他に誰もおらず、忙しいホストに気を遣わせてしまうこともあります。事前に説明がない場合には、 Am I correct that this is a sit-down dinner? などと確認できます。さらに I plan to arrive before 7pm. などと到着予定時刻を知らせると、もう少しゆっくり来た方がよければその旨お返事があるでしょう。



Inspired by global business leaders

–Interpreting for the Kansai Keizai Doyukai in DC and Cambridge

Last month, I had the opportunity to interpret for delegates from Kansai Keizai Doyukai (the Kansai Association of Corporate Executives), as they participated in their annual symposium at the Harvard Kennedy School. Every year, they participate in a one-day symposium in Cambridge with professors at the Kennedy School–and also visit another city (for this year, DC) to exchange views with opinion leaders. This was meaningful to me in many ways.

A view from the booth at Loeb House at the Kennedy School, prior to the symposium

Memorable reunions

First, the interpreter who was kind enough to bring me onto this project was someone I’ve admired for years. I met this interpreter more than ten years ago, when she trained many of us Japanese language contract interpreters at the State Department. We lost touch for a bit–but reunited about a year later in New York, where she was kind enough to give me a few jobs. I lost touch with her again after that (I left the country for a while, and by the time I returned, her old email address no longer worked). Then in 2017, I attended a dinner in DC as a USJC staff member–this dinner was with the Kansai Keizai Doyukai on their annual symposium trip, and accompanying them was the interpreter I had wanted to see for so long! It turned out she had worked with this group for decades. So I was really happy to get to work with her directly this year. She joined the Cambridge portion of the program, and from her and the other senior interpreters, I learned so much about the craft of interpreting, as well as next steps I could take in my career. 

One of the delegates was also a familiar face. She was a participant in a 2017 International Visitor Leadership Program themed on women’s empowerment. This is an annual program that Kankeiren (the Kansai Economic Federation) conducts with the State Department, and the 2017 delegation that I interpreted for visited Boston and LA. She was kind enough to bring me a gift from Japan: a cute stomach warmer (haramaki) with a kitty on it! I’ve never owned a haramaki so I’m very excited about it 🙂

The cute haramaki with a kitty!

Another nice aspect about this project was that the DC itinerary included a lunch with the U.S.-Japan Council President, Irene. It’s always nice to interpret for USJC, as it feels like bringing together different aspects of my life.  

U.S.-China relations and digital transformation

The DC portion was filled with meetings with thinktanks, and it was great to hear their opinions on the latest developments in U.S.-Japan relations and security in the Indo-Pacific, as well as the rapidly changing relationship between the United States and China. Many of the business leaders in the delegation have worked globally for years, and asked tough questions, often directly in English, about the U.S.’s current and future stance. 

In Cambridge, we took a tour of the Harvard Art Museum, a new, modern Renzo Piano structure uniting three older museums. Our group’s student tour guide did such a great job explaining about the works of Klimt, Picasso and more, that we went beyond the time limit with numerous questions and observations. 

The entrance to the Harvard Art Museum

With the symposium at the Kennedy School, half of the focus was on U.S.-China relations (I was amazed to have the opportunity to interpret for Professor Joseph Nye, whose work I’ve admired since college!). The other half was on the digital transformation of society. When a poll was conducted on how the symposium participants think digital technology will mean to humans 20 years from now, the results were fascinating: most of the Japanese delegates thought digital technology would be a “friend,” while most of the American professors thought it would be a “servant.” To this, symposium participants remarked that Japanese pop culture like Astro Boy and Doraemon might have played a role in shaping the mindset that robots are friendly–which is fascinating to me!

This year’s theme was about security and society in the digital age

I was very inspired by the business leaders who were not only engaged in their own communities and region (Kansai), but also participated in global, cross-sector discussions to shape the future of their companies. This was a really fun project, and I hope I’ll have the chance to work on it again in the coming years!

Friendly faces in Los Angeles

–Reflecting upon the 2019 USJC Annual Conference

At my workplace, the U.S.-Japan Council (USJC), the biggest event of the year is our Annual Conference. This year’s conference, held in Los Angeles last month, was an even bigger deal because it was our tenth one. The organization was founded a decade ago by Japanese Americans, many of them based in LA, who sought to strengthen U.S.-Japan relations. We’ve held our Annual Conference in many cities, but never before in Southern California–so this was a homecoming in many ways. 

The yagura in Japantown with early Christmas decorations

Working in Communications 

It is always rewarding to see various projects we’ve worked on for months turn into something tangible. More than a dozen video interviews of members, which we had conducted in Los Angeles, Silicon Valley, and Tokyo in celebration of our 10 year anniversary, turned out well–and members eloquently described how USJC has impacted their lives. As always, it was exciting to hold the print program (with 50 or so speakers whose bios we edited in both languages) in our hands, and I enjoyed witnessing how various scripts and speeches I drafted were incorporated into the announcements of emcees and board members. I only had a minor role in media relations this year, but it was nice to sit in with interviews by The Washington Post or others, or see how excited some speakers were to be covered by NHK.

Members and supporters

As a staff member, I always find it rewarding to catch up with members and supporters who contribute to U.S.-Japan relations in unique ways. Their backgrounds vary widely, but all share an interest in wanting to bring our countries closer together. One of our speakers was Ted Homma, a Silicon Valley-based Japanese entrepreneur working on smart homes. We’d first met a few years ago through the kind introduction of his friend, Daiki Michishita–who in turn was part of a State Department delegation (themed on inclusive education for children with disabilities) that I had been interpreting for. Back then, Mr. Homma was about to found his new company, and his friend was a member of the Hokkaido Legislative Assembly. Since then, Mr. Homma’s company has been thriving, and he has supported a lot of people-to-people exchanges between Silicon Valley and Japan, including the Silicon Valley Japan Platform. Mr. Michishita has since become a Diet Member, and kindly stopped by our Annual Conference in Tokyo last year. I’m honored to know them both! Even if conversations are brief, where we mostly greet each other while rushing by, I gain a lot of energy and inspiration from these face-to-face moments.

The Conference also brought rare opportunities to talk with people we wouldn’t meet otherwise. When some of us staff members had the opportunity to talk to the ShibSibs backstage, I was amazed by how friendly and polite they were in person. I was also lucky enough to join a backstage photo with friends and alumni from my alma mater (Iolani School in Honolulu), where we surrounded a fellow alumnus who spoke at the Conference: Bobby Webster, General Manager of the Toronto Raptors (2019 NBA Champion).

A panel discussion welcoming young Japanese American leaders, with (L-R) moderator and USJC Board Member Jan Yanehiro, Bobby Webster, professional dancer Koine Iwasaki, Maia Shibutani and Alex Shibutani (Photo courtesy of USJC)


As staff, we rarely get to fully see or hear the content of the Annual Conference as it happens. But for part of the Conference, which was a series of workshops on leadership, I was one of the observers whose job was to listen and evaluate the content. One of the sessions I observed was about how to serve on boards. The speakers–including the USJC Board Chair–shared their experience with corporate, government, nonprofit and academic boards. One of my favorite parts of the discussion was this slide–made all the more perfect because, as one of the speakers pointed out, it looks like a plum blossom! I took copious notes on the back of my evaluation form (and took a photo for my records!).

A plum-shaped chart on leadership

Food and fun

After the conference, us staff members enjoyed lots of Japanese and East Asian food. Some were a bit different from what’s usually served in Japan–but that made it all the more interesting! It was nice to have such easy access to Japanese dishes, books, stationary and other items that are so scarce in DC. I also got to catch up with my middle school friend who moved to LA last year, and met her two-month-old daughter.

With fried (!) takoyaki at Shin Ramen

While preparations leading up to and during the Conference were grueling, it was still nice to see many familiar faces and learn new ideas!

A life dedicated to music

–Remembering Mariss Jansons

Details of the June 2nd concert that we attended. (Screenshot from the Vienna Philharmonic website.)

I am saddened to hear that the conductor Mariss Jansons has passed away.

I am embarrassed to say that I did not know of him until this past June–when my father and I attended a concert in Vienna that Mr. Jansons conducted. My parents and I were traveling in Vienna for about a week, and it was just a few days before we left.

My father is a huge fan of classical music. He owns thousands of CDs, several of them works by the same composers but conducted by different maestros or performed by different orchestras. Every weekend and many weeknights, he spends time relaxing in his “music room” with a good book. When we travel together, he’s often gone to classical concerts on his own, like at the Lincoln Center in New York, while my mother and I explore the locale in other ways.

So when my father said that he wanted to go see a concert by the Vienna Philharmonic, it completely made sense. But what made things complicated was that the concert my father wanted to attend was only open to members of the Philharmonic. The general public could only get in if there are additional openings or cancellations that morning.

On the day of the concert, my parents and I stood in line at the ticketing office, but were told that no tickets remained. My father was very disappointed–that’s when I found that, despite his many visits to Vienna, he’d never seen the Philharmonic perform locally–and we decided to at least take photos in front of the beautiful Musikverein concert hall. My father pointed to signs of the event and told us that he’d wanted to see this particular conductor, Mr. Jansons. I didn’t know how to console my father, and we just quietly took photos as dozens of people walked past us to enter the building.

Musikverein Concert Hall

A small miracle

That’s when something magical happened. A middle-aged lady approached us out of the blue, and asked us in English if we would like to have an extra ticket in the standing room. We hesitated for a second, caught by surprise. Then, another young man approached us and said that he could give us his ticket, too. My mother quickly encouraged us both to go, and it was decided. We rushed into the concert hall with five minutes to go until the concert began.

I had assumed that the tickets gave us some sort of assignment on where to stand (operas at Lincoln Center have individual areas where each person can stand), but that wasn’t the case. My father and I arrived at an area at the very back of the orchestra level. Much taller individuals already occupied the front, and we couldn’t see anything. Still, we were grateful for any space.

Mr. Jansons’s conducting

The orchestra performed Schumann’s Symphony No. 1 in B-flat major (Op. 38). I listened while I marveled at the gorgeous chandeliers and gold interior of the music hall (basically the parts that I could see above people’s heads). During the break some people left, and my father now seemed to have a view of the orchestra and Mr. Jansons. I still saw nothing and continued to listen as the orchestra performed Hector Berlioz’s Fantastical Symphony: An Episode in the Life of an Artist (Op. 14).

After Berlioz’s symphony ended, there was a slight moment of silence. Then the applause began, and roared on for many minutes. I turned to my father, hoping to talk to him. He was beaming and clapping enthusiastically, not even noticing that I had turned to him. That’s when I realized how much attending this concert had meant to him.

As people began to clear out, my father, still seemingly in a daze, asked if I saw the end of Berlioz’s symphony. When I said no, he began to explain what had happened during that moment of silence. Apparently, Mr. Jansons’s body was bent at an angle the whole time he was conducting–and after the performance ended, he had been frozen in place, unable to move. Members of the orchestra who realized what had happened came up and helped him down–and that’s when the audience began their applause.

As my father told this story, he choked up several times, touched by Mr. Jansons’ dedication to his craft. I was shocked. This was the first time in my life that I had seen him cry. I teared up, too, both from seeing my father’s reaction and from picturing Mr. Jansons’ bent back. My father mentioned that he was surprised to see how much Mr. Jansons had aged since the last time he’d seen him.

During the break

Youth and classical music

After this concert, my father and I searched various news about Mr. Jansons, worried for his health. Nothing came up–and to my relief and surprise, I found that he had conducted in Hamburg and Paris just a few days after this Vienna performance. I read that he’d once had a heart attack while conducting, and once again marveled at his commitment.

I also found this short interview on the Vienna Philharmonic Facebook page, where he talks about the importance to instill a love for classical music in the young generation. “I believe classical music will survive,” he says. And that I know to be true–partly because of him. Because on that day, the crowded standing space my father and I joined was full of young people who seemed to be college students. Many wore casual clothes like jeans and cotton dresses. During the latter half, when there was more space, some even sat on the floor, leaning against the wall and closing their eyes. After the concert I heard some of them exchanging their impressions in English. They seemed to know both symphonies well and shared their excitement to see Mr. Jansons on stage.

Unlike these youth who knew what a star Mr. Jansons was, all I did was tag along with my father. But I feel very fortunate to have heard his conducting in person, especially after getting tickets at the last minute (there were so many others in front of Musikverein, and it’s amazing that we received tickets from two individuals). I am so glad to have seen how much Mr. Jansons inspired my father as well as everyone in the audience–indeed, encompassing all generations and nationalities.

Community pride and regional exchange

–The sister-city relationship between Baltimore and Kawasaki

Interpreting at the MOU signing ceremony between the Mayor of Baltimore and the Kawasaki delegation (Photo courtesy of Baltimore City Hall)

During the six years I spent in Japan, I grew up and went to school in Ota-ku, a southwestern ward in Tokyo, and Yokohama. Both places neighbor the city of Kawasaki, an industrial city that I visited many times.

So I was honored to interpret for a delegation representing the city of Kawasaki when they visited Baltimore last month. They are sister cities celebrating the 40th anniversary of their relationship!

Sister City Relationship

At a lunch at local restaurant Ida B’s Table with members of the Baltimore-Kawasaki Sister City Committee. The committee members had very interesting life stories!

The Baltimore-Kawasaki Sister City Committee is led by two wonderful individuals who are very committed and active. I met them when I interpreted at the Baltimore Japan Art Festival a year ago–and they have kindly given me several interpreting opportunities since then (including this one!). Working alongside Kawasaki officials, they arranged these meetings during the delegations’ visit.

One of our meetings was with Baltimore Sister Cities, Inc., a nonprofit organization that brings together the representatives of seven cities around the world that have sister relationships with Baltimore. It was fascinating to hear about the Dutch city of Rotterdam and its exchanges with Baltimore on architecture and urban design; about Xiamen in China and its youth exchange programs with Baltimore; and Alexandria in Egypt, which is known for its ancient library and has a digital exchange program with students in Baltimore. The cities have varied connections and histories with Baltimore, but what was encouraging to me is that Baltimore Sister Cities was founded in 2016–showing that despite what’s going on in recent domestic policies in the U.S., the trend towards globalization (and especially regional collaboration) is only getting stronger!

Separately, Mayor Jack Young of Baltimore and the Chair of the Kawasaki City Council signed an MOU commemorating the 40th anniversary. (The mayor of Kawasaki had to withdraw from the delegation due to Typhoon Hagibis, which struck just a few days prior.) The Kawasaki side presented a gift: Japan’s famous wax food samples, made to resemble Chesapeake crabs and other regional delicacies! The mayor displayed it right outside his office.

The Kawasaki delegation admiring how Mayor Young displayed their gift, a wax food sample of Baltimore delicacies (Photo courtesy of Baltimore City Hall)

Urban Development in Baltimore

Another theme of this delegation’s visit was urban development. We heard from a local redevelopment company as well as various officials from the Baltimore City Hall working on Project CORE, which strives to improve housing and shared spaces. The most memorable part to me was when we visited neighborhoods and saw new recreational spaces created with the vision of local residents. One of those, Kirby Park, is a green space among new and old houses (some of them waiting to be demolished). The park featured not only new gardens, benches, and trees planted by local residents that very morning, but also a horseshoe pit, in a nod to tradition and history.

We also visited the Sagamore Pendry Hotel, which just opened two years ago. Originally a commercial pier that was built in 1914, the waterfront hotel offers modern interior design while retaining the brick structure, beams and other parts of the pier. There are also many elements that serve as a nod to Baltimore, like nautical and industrial decorations, as well as a mural of the national anthem (which refers to Fort McHenry in Baltimore). What was fascinating to me was that this renovation was done by Kevin Plank, the founder of Under Armor. Apparently, since establishing the company headquarters in Baltimore (he is from Maryland), he has worked to rebuild and invest in the community. These connections are shown in many ways: for example, hotel guests can use the Under Armor gym, which is located right across the water, for free (I can’t imagine riding the water taxi in gym clothes, though!).

The interior of the Sagamore Pendry Hotel. They told us that the arch was part of the original pier structure, and that the view looking out to the street is an homage to how Baltimore residents would sit on porches and interact with neighbors.

Urban Development in DC

The delegation also visited DC, where we heard about the Anacostia Waterfront Initiative from the DC Department of Transportation. A new bridge and park will not only connect Anacostia with the rest of the DC, but also strives to bring social equality among different communities by providing a space where they can interact, learn, and rest together.

We also visited places like the new DC United Audi Field, where we saw green infrastructure applied to the very wide sidewalks (accommodating huge crowds that would come see soccer games) around the stadium. Our last stop was The Wharf, where we admired the waterfront view, and heard from the firm that designed it about how it’s booming as a new neighborhood. 

A model of The Wharf

I learned so much about sister city ties, urban development, and most especially about local residents’ pride in their communities. This was such a fun project and I’m glad to have had a tiny role in it!