心をつなぐ英語 ⑫ 苦情の述べ方

Introduction (the full text in Japanese continues below (日本語の本文が続きます)):


“Compassionate Phrases in English (#12): How to Make a Complaint”

Here’s the latest for my column in “Sakura Shimbun,” a Japanese community paper in DC and Houston. It’s hard to believe that we are only a month into 2025, as disasters, wars, and political turmoil continue around the world. The Japanese tradition of Setsubun–warding off evil spirits at the beginning of February by throwing beans–seems more relevant than ever. But in the real world, we can’t get rid of someone by throwing beans at them. It’s more appropriate to seek improvement by filing a complaint or giving a warning. In this issue, I discuss how to logically communicate your feelings to someone important–such as your boss or client–and convince them to respond.

The article is also online here.



感情的にならないよう、最初は口頭ではなく文章での連絡がよいかもしれません。また、急に本題に入るのではなく、日頃お世話になっていることへの感謝などを冒頭に述べるとよいでしょう。その後、本題の段落は、I’m emailing to ask about the HR announcement that came out yesterday. や、 I’ve had some time to consider our discussion last week, and would like to address this in writing. といった一文から始めることができます。

怒りやフラストレーションを落ち着いた形で表すのに効果的な言葉は複数あります。I am disappointed that I still have not been paid despite several reminders over the past two months. や、I was greatly surprised to see that I did not receive a promotion despite what you promised last year. といった言い方ができます。さらに強い言葉を使いたい場合は、After our discussion last month, I had been looking forward to being transferred to the new branch—and I’m heartbroken that that would not be the case. などと言うこともできます。

次に、相手にどうしてほしいかを具体的に提示します。I’d like to request a meeting so that I can better understand what happened. Would you please tell me when you’re available in the next two weeks? や、Please kindly remit the payment as soon as possible. などと述べます。

締めの言葉は、最後に残す印象を左右します。雰囲気を和らげたい場合には、If there’s anything I can do to make the payment process easier for you, please let me know. などと前向きな言葉を使うとよいでしょう。幾度目かの連絡となり、今回の件が解決すれば関係を断ち切る覚悟がある場合には、Otherwise, I may be forced to take legal action. などと厳しい言葉を足すことができます。


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